Pressemitteilung vom 06.12.2016

Hapag-Lloyd Cruises: MS HANSEATIC To Stay in Fleet Longer

  • The MS HANSEATIC will remain in the fleet until the end of September 2018
  • The new international English-language cruises will be published in mid-December 2016
  • Three international cruises are currently scheduled on the BREMEN

The popular five-star expedition ship, the MS HANSEATIC is set to remain in the Hapag-Lloyd Cruises fleet for six more months, until the end of September 2018. The first of the Germany-based cruise provider’s two new expedition ships will be launching in April 2019. The international preview brochure, due to be published in mid-December, will contain two international cruises on board the HANSEATIC, as well as three international expedition cruises on board the BREMEN. The cruises on the BREMEN are intended to serve as a transition until the launch of the new international expedition ship, which will offer bilingual (English/German) cruises.

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“We are preparing our fleet for the future with our two new expedition ships. We are very happy to have largely bridged the gap before the launch of the first ship, by extending our charter for the HANSEATIC. This is the best decision in terms of both cost-effectiveness and offering availability to our guests,” says Karl J. Pojer, CEO of Hapag-Lloyd Cruises.

Hapag-Lloyd Cruises will launch two new five-star expedition ships in April 2019 and October 2019. The two new ships are being built by the Norwegian shipyard VARD and will have the highest ice class for passenger ships (PC6). They will both accommodate up to 230 guests, and up to 199 guests on Antarctic cruises.

Reservations: International guests, as well as travel agencies, can now make use of Hapag-Lloyd Cruises’ new free-of-charge phone numbers when requesting or booking a cruise. United Kingdom: 0800 0513 829, United States & Canada: 877 445 7447 or 800 334-2724, Belgium: 0800 79 421, the Netherlands: 0800 0220 459; all other countries, please call +49 40 30703070 (English-speaking hotline) – or - send an e-mail to salesteam(at) or visit for local agents.

Hamburg, December 2016

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